Saturday, November 20, 2010


This is the testimony of Wolff, who was once Sir Wolff:


The Citadel emerges from the shadows cast by the Grand Inquisitor. Yet, there are many who cannot believe that the Inquisitor cast such a dark shadow at all. Many were duped, many were deceived, many were too polite to say anything; few escaped unscathed. But the fact remains that even from his early years, he was carefully abusing people. The records, now brought together because the time for goodwill is past, show an abominable picture altogether.

For those who cannot believe it, you must understand that fifteen pages do not even begin to encompass the extent of his abuses. They merely sketch a single aspect of it. And yet that faint sketchwork is sufficient to strongly reinforce the single material allegation that has come to light. If all those who had been abused came forward, there would be hours of testimony. I know this because I have broken bread with many of them.

The second echelon abetted it. There is no doubt about that. Some of course were more innocent of direct assistance; they merely spread around the idea that it was not possible for such a person to have done such a thing. Their own faith in their leader made it difficult for others to believe in the unpleasantness that lurked inside the door. And when others were abused, it was taken that they invited it, they wanted it, they deserved it.

The paper trail itself is damning. On the instructions, hinted or otherwise, of the Grand Inquisitor and his cronies, records were changed, rankings were altered, and the transparency of fairness was clouded by the pollution of self-interest. What I brought out of the Citadel when I left is evidence of it all. And that is why the Citadel sent agents to dog my footsteps, and evicted those who had been kind to me.

From day to day, I accumulated evidence. Fearful acquaintances of the distant past who had tried to tell the truth beneath a shield of anonymity had wasted their time because the old Archon had protected his Inquisitor with both eyes closed and hands folded. But the weight of evidence eventually told, and now those who stand in authority should dispense with pride and ask themselves hard questions.

You who turn the wheel and look to windward, know this. Your former leader was guilty of many things. He was great in many ways, but his power corrupted him, and he fell. And many will yet fall because of him, if they will not search themselves and realise what lies they have believed.

The time has come, and the Citadel must emerge from its tainted history. Its emergency must be as clean as that of a well-oiled sword from its scabbard. Or what beacon of truth and light can it be?


And as Wolff left, I heard him mutter to me: "Now, the Ides of December approach."


Note: The fictional adventures of Sir Wolff do provide much that is of interest. You can find them linked here. Just ignore the one about earwax. That was an accident.



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