Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I am somewhat a failed poet, in the sense that I don't work hard at it, have a slightly tin ear, and get by only because I have an uncommon facility with words. But my words don't have that plangency nor mordant power which some real poets have.

Nevertheless, I celebrate my somewhat failed art once in a while. Here is a short one that I've published elsewhere.

Anniversary will do for me
I am eclectic

Will go for any rhyme scheme
Gloss, literary flourish
A sucker for metric potency
Or low-hanging punnets

Annually cryptic
Anniversary will do for me


On reflection, it is in tone a lot like this previous one. The difference is that this one is me, while the other one is me pretending to be a computer pretending to be me. There are differences... I think.

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