Monday, November 15, 2010


When chemists think of spontaneity, if at all they do, they tend to think of this equation:
∆G = ∆H - T∆S
Sometimes, however, they think of something different. This evening, I received an email which reminded me of this incident, for which I had the Tailor to thank.

These days, I wake up on some mornings with a spring of spontaneous happiness welling up from within. Other days, it's not so spontaneous. But it is there anyway. I think that it all comes from a sense that "God's in his heaven / All's right with the world!" as Browning put it.

It is hard for humans not to think of retribution, "what goes round comes round", poetic justice, and other such tit-for-tattery. But sometimes things resolve in such a satisfactory way that spontaneous celebration seems in order.

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