Sunday, November 07, 2010

The Wyvern Integrated Master Plan (WIMP)

After a five-year study of the curriculum being taught at the Citadel of the Wyverns, the following points were clearly supported by a conservative interpretation of the evidence.

1. Content. There is nothing new under the sun. Except perhaps that the old GEP curriculum has been a) extended, and b) diluted. The original IP has been drowned in the blood of innocents. Content has been altered slightly, but the textbooks are 95% identical to the kind used in non-IP institutions.

2. Methodology. Same old teaching methods. No power, no point. A few more radical people teaching in unusual ways, which is to be expected since the staff was doubled in size. In fact, they seem to have become even more boring, overall.

3. Results. Well within the expected outcomes for a random cohort at the percentile intake. There is no significant value added.

4. Conclusion. They spent all that money on what, exactly?

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