Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Full Circle

I remember sitting with my students on a warm afternoon in March. I remember the peremptory summons and the events thereafter. I remember my astonishing calm in the face of the inquisition. That was Day 001.

It is too easy, when you have been unjustly treated, to be vengeful. Six consecutive years of injustice do not make it easier when the final blow falls. But vengeance is not for any individual to claim; far better it be left to the mills of God.

I have to be thankful for friends of all kinds who reminded me that good things come to those who marshall themselves, and seek good but not evil. I have to realise that to retire with the gifts of God and the friendships of a lifetime in hand is no bad thing. Leaving the table with a stack of chips is better than gambling until you have none, so to speak.

And here we are, sitting around on a warm morning in November. Life is good; it is very good indeed.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

And there is coffee. Life is good.


Thursday, November 04, 2010 12:26:00 am  

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