Monday, November 01, 2010

Three Faces

Atlantis has been a trading concern for nearly 700 years. In its time, it has seen many masters come and go. It has had masters from Albion and Cathay and Sind.

Atlantis is ruled by a creed that can be described by one of three main paradigms. These antedate any Machiavellian pragmatism that one might think of as one searches vainly for some way to quickly describe what it is that the masters of Atlantis really do.

First is the idea of commercial multiculturalism. In order to do business, it is an asset to have the kind of mind that understands other cultures. It is therefore to Atlantis's profit to have citizens that speak more than one trading tongue and are able to get along well with those of a wide range of cultures.

Second is the idea of tactical globalisation. In order to do business, Atlantis must appear open to all traders, while preserving its own core. It must show a face that is friendly to commerce and finance, while keeping its interests close and well-protected. It must score well in public, if not in private.

Third is the idea of strategic parasitism. In order to do business, a small state like Atlantis must be able to feed off the mammoths who move their ponderous bulk over the lands of the earth. This is done by bleeding off amounts of value that seem like nothing to those behemoths but are life itself to Atlanteans.

Atlantis, make no mistake, is adept at showing these faces whenever they are required. It is not so good at hiding them when they are not. Nevertheless, these three faces, supported by the skills they learnt from Albion, Cathay, and Sind, are enough to keep Atlantis afloat.

But for how long?



Blogger Jont said...

Keeping Atlantis afloat is one thing, but keeping Atlanteans happy and willing to work, I believe, is another. They seem to have developed a strong distaste for their rulers. This is especially true with those directly affected by policies regarding parasitism.

What is your take on this?

Tuesday, November 02, 2010 3:54:00 am  
Blogger Trebuchet said...

Jont: There is nothing better in one's life than to eat, and to drink, and to enjoy one's work. However, one should take heed of the lessons of history. A great city should always encourage immigration, but it should also have civic pride, civil society, and encourage integration. Or else, as Machiavelli might have said, the mercenaries will loot you.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010 1:40:00 pm  

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