Saturday, May 10, 2008


It all happens at the same time. My brother, that incisive historical wit, is blazing a trail backwards into the dark ages of globalisation – as he puts it, the Pax Romana, the Pax Indica, the Pax Sinica, the Pax Islamica, the Pax Britannica and the Pax Americana. I myself am trying to gaze into the future of globalisation, especially in terms of education.

But the same ideas predominate: European, Indian, Chinese, Islamic, British, American. And while they now engage (on the face of it) in civil discourse more often than before, the prognosis for the future is unclear and sometimes morbid. Has the mind of man changed so much that it needs a new pathway to education? Or is it already there, buried by blood and politics and treasure?

Time to think more about this. It's good when brothers live in harmony together.

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