Friday, May 09, 2008

The House Of The Seasons

I live in an old two-storey house now, beautifully renovated just recently. It is not as large as the huge bauhaus-type monstrosities sometimes found in the area, but it is spacious and largely uncluttered. I am comfortable here, and despite having a few other options, I am very happy to be living here.

After a couple of months, I've also noticed that this house faces north (which is tolerable feng shui for a house just north of the Equator) and thus offers a daily cycle of seasons.

It is cool and sightly damp in the early morning, as the sun begins to light the eastern approaches, bringing sounds from the road across the patio to the breakfast table. The world is shaded, ripe with possibility, but still a little chill and dim.

It is a bit warmer and drier approaching noon, as the sun rises above the hedgerow and is rebuffed by the shielding eaves and the high roof. Heat rises from the garden and the world is thrown into a frenzy of movement and evolution. But the inside of the house is still cool, because the sun is actually shining less into the building.

It is really hot in the afternoon, as the sun reaches its zenith and begins to shine on the other side of the house. That side of the house is where the workroom, kitchen and study are. But we are normally away from home working, and if not, there is always the air-conditioning.

In the evening, as the sun is hidden by our neighbours' houses to the west, it is cool again. It gets dark quickly. And the house settles down to watch us eat, amuse ourselves, and get some creative work done, far from the hubbub of the day and into the silence of the night.

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