Thursday, March 27, 2008


Yesterday I stretched my legs and made the long walk from the Eagle's Cage to Old Cathay. The path through what used to be an orchard in bygone days has never seemed so un-orchardlike. But it was pleasant to make that long, long walk.

I think I am in some sort of decline into a graceful middle age; I cannot bring myself to be outraged and may be trending towards indifference. This is very bad.

On the other hand, the most powerful neighbour of my old lord seems to have endorsed me. In one week, four job offers. What a week! The eagles may fly, but the ravens will win.


In other news, I was somewhat amused by the new book arrangement. The Hierophant might be a tad displeased. What happened was this: the packers were very efficient in numbering the bookcases and shelves, so that one box might be marked, 'Bookcase 1, Shelf 4,' for example. However, the unpackers were not always the same as the packers. So some of them differed in their interpretation of shelf number, counting from bottom up or top down as their conscience dictated.

This was not always a good thing. Some of my bookcases looked extremely top-heavy, almost dangerous. My dearest brother helped out by reshelving. But I suspect a certain professional and his friends might want to say something in June.

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