Friday, March 21, 2008

Day 004

Today is Good Friday, and it is the day to lay to rest what is over and done with, and yet prepare for what Bishop Oldham called "all the after life." I saw a fantastically efficient group of young men finish packing my life up and drive around distributing it to three different locations: the home I bought when I was young, the home I visited when I was younger, the high-security depot where the chrysalis awaits.

Through all these things, I have pondered how fortunate I have been to have two excellent wingmen in all my life – the Argonaut and the Elvish Historian. Both are so very different from me, and yet so very different from each other as well. I am glad for them; they have been my comfort and strength most among all my friends in these days.

I must also thank the men of the High Hall who, with the assent of their most puissant Lady, gave me a farewell raucous and powerful enough to raise the dead. They directed it across the sea of green, although I told them this was not wise. I said that I had to go, that I was grateful for this opportunity to build anew, and that I would try my best to serve in my new field of endeavour. I told them essentially that they must not only be good and excellent, but great in the world for the sake of service to all. I hope they remember this.

I am very tired, but it is like the recovery after a long illness. I am alive again.

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