Friday, March 28, 2008

Let It All Out

As we head towards another Sabbath, I find myself at peace. I think I have been at peace ever since I knew I had to go. Those who know me and have been with me since then will testify to that. So here is a shout-out to some particularly long-suffering people and others.

To the Huntress (my co-sufferer for almost 15 years), the Argonaut (my first wingman), the Historian (my wingman), my thanks for the neatest, tightest ship of all — and it moves so quickly! To my distant Admiralty, my thanks for fellowship in far places. To my fellow captains, a salute to those who deserve it (and to those with leaky ships, time to start plugging away!) To my ancestors and senior members of the Family, my thanks for provision of material needs.

To the Heifer (still with brown eyes) and others of the First, my thanks for the honour of working with you. To the Hierophant and the Tiger and others of the Second (like my TOKen class), my thanks for hours of amusement and pleasure at the wonder of it all. To those of the Third who I never really had time to work with, especially those three in that class and the Arsenal fan, my thanks for restoring hope that had been forgotten. To the Oldhamites, my thanks for many fruitful years which meant something precious to me.

To the Flower and the Eternal Hoodlums, my thanks for being such a cheerful bunch of co-conspirators. To bloggers with odd agenda, well, you know what you did and I suppose I have to be grateful. I'm not entirely sure I haven't mentioned you yet, unwittingly. To the Powers of the Back-Room, my thanks for your quiet support in the face of common sense and conventional wisdom (and the rumour mill).

To the Highest, who gave encouragement ex nihilo, I am amazed and thankful at the kind of support I have received. And to think I doubted. It was always above and beyond what I dreamt I would have needed.

And to Tears for Fears who gave me the title of this post: I may not fully agree with the lyrics, but it was a good song and I enjoyed it way back in 1984 (along with that other classic). Huh, how appropriate!

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