Friday, February 23, 2007


It's a bit like being outstanding. When you're out standing, you're over-exposed and vulnerable. When you're under standing, you must check to see what you're standing under. And as my father always says, when someone uses 'therefore', you should ask yourself what it is there for. Simple bits of wisdom.

And this is why strategic planning doesn't work so well at times. It's probably because people aren't thinking about what a strategic plan is. A year isn't long enough for a strategy to work out. A simple exercise to think about: What are the possible reasons why not having mid-year exams in Year 3 translates to better grades at the end of Year 4? A tough exercise to think about: What are the possible reasons why mid-year exams return despite the aforementioned good consequences? Further reading for the second question can be found here.

Now you know why I get to do history, economics, literature and natural sciences. I'm crazy. Haha.


Edit: my students of political science, business and other sociological disciplines could take a look at this blog for some interesting and useful posts.

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Blogger Robert Bradford said...

Interesting post - thanks!
You're very right about the strategic planning thing. Also, people seem to feel it's somehow separate from reality, as if strategic decisions shouldn't impact our daily lives.
-Robert Bradford
strategic planning.

Saturday, February 24, 2007 6:45:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And thus is the dilemma we face in the modern rush. But on your last paragraph, those subjects in my view are the ultimate balance for the mind. Sadly, not many will choose that same lot of disciplines.

PS: To the IB gentlemen/ladies, wrt my pervious comments, I completed my O Levels at ACS(I) in 2001 and As in 2003 somewhere else. Heh. Hope all is well in IB.

Saturday, February 24, 2007 9:47:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooops the above comment also appeared in your other posts. Blogger was not friendly with me.

Saturday, February 24, 2007 10:23:00 am  

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