Monday, February 23, 2009

Emergent Cognition

I remember not too long ago that I had a plan for providing young people with career awareness, career guidance and career counselling, in that order. The plan was so good that I was approached by a local education authority for permission to use it, and for me to conduct workshops in it.

Being a decent sort, I told them to consult my employers. I never heard anything more about the matter, until my portfolio was quietly scrapped and replaced by other stuff. The funny thing was that I then got something like fifty or more irate messages about how the institution was failing to provide all these three things in sufficient quantity and quality.

Of course, I tactfully deflected the originators of these messages with the equivalent of a polite 'no comment'. It so happened, however, that a few months later, I left the institution. Somebody dug up my old plan and made a lot of noise about how come it had not been implemented. Haha, what a joke!

Anyway, for those of you who study emergent phenomena, there's a very useful resource which seems to have sprung up. All credit to the jade-green sea-tiger!

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