Sunday, February 15, 2009

Annual Infarction (Preliminary Statement)

Every year, around this time, there is some sort of necrosis as the blood supply to the institutional brain or muscle is cut off. There are actually two annual infarctions, which more or less correspond to the two equinoxes.

In March, institutions prepare for the great accounting which they must make to the Grey Lords. In September, institutions prepare to defraud appraise their staff and give meaningless what they think is appropriate feedback to various underlings.

After almost three decades of conscious and deliberate examination of educational institutions, from within and without, as a participant and as a spectator (and sometimes even as a participant observer), I suppose that in many ways I am qualified to comment on the process.

In the next few days, I think I shall publish a guide for young teachers and students intending to become teachers. I think it will be... ahem... educational for everyone; an education for living, if you like.

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