Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I remember when McDonald's™ first came to this part of the world. I was one of the first to hang out there after school, and I remember the kinds of things we did there to the tune of no small embarrassment. I was then about 10 kg lighter, due to a vastly superior metabolism. Those things were all far in the past.

Of late, however, there has been a trend towards all kinds of 'upsize' and 'outsize' offers. One of them boasts double the number of beef patties, the so-called 'MegaMac™'.

You know what? It's about the same size as the Big Mac™ used to be. It is certainly not as large and far from anywhere as juicy as the Wendy's Triple I used to hungrily gobble about twice a week. I feel sad for the deprived youths of today.



Blogger Augustin said...

inflation... high food prices or maybe just, need for higher bonuses. *shrug* one never knows the reasons anymore. one just knows that there is ALWAYS a reason(s).

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 11:43:00 pm  

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