Sunday, March 30, 2008

Prayer For Authorities

We pray for those in positions of authority, those who are thrones and principalities and powers of this age of humanity. We ask that they will do all things in truth, believing; that they will do all things necessary to the common good in the will of God; that they will aim for the betterment of all people.

We pray for those who are called ministers, that they will minister indeed; that they will be servant to all they profess to serve in fact; that they will be able to call upon higher powers and enlightened thinking as they serve the greater good.

We pray for those who command, that they will direct their subordinates aright, without fear or favour, with wisdom and care. We ask that they will continue to be accountable to all, in the light of the glory of God in whom they live and move and have their being; in whom their authority arises and from whom their authority is empowered.


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