Friday, December 25, 2009


'Twas the feast of St Spyridon
And all through the house...

St Spyridon, you say? Well, it's one of the artifacts of the world's convoluted history that the world's most widespread religion is also the most fragmented; on one hand, Christianity dominates the world's processes — and on the other hand, it sabotages all semblance of universal order. It is a religion born out of division, and made for division. It is both inclusive and exclusive.

As Jesus himself said, "I came not to bring peace, but a sword."

So in what sense is Christmas about peace on earth and goodwill towards men?

I think it's about Christmas as a marker of sorts. It doesn't matter what day it ought to be; it matters that there is such a day. Why? Because it is all about a promise of hope, of faith, of love. It says that we look forward with faith, in hope. We know it isn't in this world, but in the next; it isn't in this time, but in time to come, or beyond time.

And meanwhile, we strive to remain content with what we have, and do what we must do. And we wish each other all the best that is yet to be, and a happy St Spyridon's Day!



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