Sunday, December 20, 2009

Kicking Young Wyverns Out

I heard this most amazing series of accounts, over the past few weeks, about how a certain principality made loud noises about being forced to admit young wyverns to the Wyverns' Nest along the white cliffs. His claim, made in public to a large number of parents, was that the Archangels made him do it, but given his druthers, he wouldn't have. He then told them to take a good look at themselves and sign a rejection slip if they agreed that they didn't deserve to enter the College.

After that scathing and ill-considered speech by the eminence, about a third of those young wyverns decided to grow an extra head and head off in search of a good time elsewhere. I guess 'looking for a good time' is better than 'the best is yet to be', for some people.

I've always felt that the main mission of a 'mission school' is to take in all and sundry and make good (or at least, better) people out of them. To deny your mission by taking in only good students at the very beginning is anathema. If I were in the right position, I'd excommunicate said principality to wander the earth from pole to pole.

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Blogger LoneRifle said...

Perhaps the comment against the principality is justified, but surely there is a possibility that a principality is faced with the dilemma between fulfilling the mission and conserving the limited resources he has to fulfill said mission? In that respect, would he reserve the right to determine entry based on the aspirant's willingness to change/succeed/become better?

Sunday, December 20, 2009 9:23:00 pm  
Blogger Trebuchet said...

LR: I will now tell you why that is bollocks on two counts.

ONE: how would he know the aspirant's willingness to do anything without interviewing etc? the Burning Torch place at least does that. this person bases everything on exam scores. what resources do you need to make a person a better person? THINK, for heaven's sake (and I mean that literally).

TWO: the last time the Archangels cut his resources and made him lower the entry bar, the results IMPROVED. it means he was lying all along, since obviously you CAN get better results with fewer resources and worse students. i have the data. haha.

Sunday, December 20, 2009 11:25:00 pm  
Blogger sibrwd said...

I must agree with what you say about mission schools. My peers and I improved in ways that our primary school teachers never expected.

Just to clarify a bit though, when you say they grow another head, doesn't that mean that said students would easily meet the cutoff?

Monday, December 21, 2009 3:05:00 am  
Blogger LoneRifle said...

Points accepted, Trebuchet, although to justify, I deliberately neglected to specify how the principality in question would determine entry.

Monday, December 21, 2009 4:36:00 am  
Blogger Trebuchet said...

sibrwd: DSA.

LR: yes.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 1:08:00 am  

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