Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Cold Shoulder

It's one of those mornings when you wake up and are conscious of the fact that you are comfortable. Then you realise that your body is immobile for a reason: it would hurt too much if you moved.

It was a quarter-century ago that I injured my shoulder. It is payback time now. The joint will ambush me on random mornings, holding my entire body painful hostage to that earlier trauma. It takes a lot of effort to move at all, when you know it can only hurt.

So you summon up the will-power. Or not, if some people are to be believed about the absence of free will. And you get out of bed.

The simple philosophical answer to the question of free will is this: whether I have free will or not, moving that shoulder hurts like hell. If I do not have free will, then the logical consequence is that pain is a necessary phenomenon, and must be endured. Or not. If I do have free will, tough, because I have to get up anyway, if I'm going to do what I want to do.

So it seems that my so-called free-will is circumscribed no matter what. And the shoulder reminds me of that. It mocks me. It makes it hard to think, if I have free will; it makes it hard to think, even if I haven't the will. Ah well.

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