Sunday, November 16, 2008

Examiner (Part III)

There I am, minding my own business at yet another Family gathering, when Cousin #1 comes up to me. "Eh, how have you been?"

I say the usual things, all of them true. I am happy, I am productive, I have actually gained a lot from my sabbatical.

He says, "So when are you giving us that report?"

My first thought is, "What report?" My second thought is, "Oh no, you weren't serious!" My third thought is, "Well, I actually do have a lot of data."

I say to him, "Surely you don't expect me to cough up so soon? Rome wasn't built in a day!"

He gives me that I-am-one-of-the-few-surviving-great-bankers-in-town look and says, "Well, you can set Rome up in a few years, it seems. Have you examined the whole thing yet?"

Examine? Examine?! "No, of course not. I don't have direct access anyway."

"You're a qualitative researcher, and you're smart. We actually know a lot more because of you. So hurry up!"

Later in the evening, the men in dark suits come round. It is funny to think that one day I might very well be one of those.

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