Saturday, November 15, 2008


Some time ago, my family very willingly donated a large sum of money to an educational institution. The only request was that my grandparents' names be honoured, a tradition that has been maintained by the gift of educational facilities in every school in the main line of those which fly a wyvern.

The current family patriarch broke silence the other day. "Where," he asked, "is the plaque?" We all knew what he meant. It doesn't require a whole lot of talent to set up something as straightforward as that. Then again, there are larger donors whose contributions still go uncommemorated, which I pointed out in fair mitigation.

I think it boils down to efficiency. At a smaller institution in the Houses of the Wyvern, detailed and rather beautiful plaques are already up. So is a heritage gallery. Every contribution has been remembered, in a tasteful way, and rather promptly. Well, that's life, I guess. Maybe the intended plaque is already up, and nobody told us. I make no judgement here.

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