Wednesday, June 13, 2007

We Will Berry You

Oh, THIS is such a lovely post. I'm off to eat a few of these things now.

Personally, I have yearnings for useless knowledge. I do, however, try to make such knowledge useful. In particular, I enjoy making such knowledge available to those who can make better use of it than I can. So this short post is dedicated to that self-flagellating and angst-ridden young lady who really shouldn't be abusing her neurotransmitters so much.

Ah, the chemistry, the chemistry of it all.

Update: I've often found interesting things at Here are two.

1) Ah, everyone must look at THIS masterpiece of culinary exegesis. Oh, dessert-lovers of the world unite for this is the Grand Unifying Theory (what an apposite acronym assigned!) of Desserts.

2) And oh yes, young lady (see above), I've picked up this excellent phrase: "Je te vois venir avec tes gros sabots." Heh heh.

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