Thursday, November 02, 2006


If it is a line that joins us to ourselves, it is a difficult line to follow. But if the eye looks at the self as it is reflected in a glass, in a mirror, in the eyes of another - ah, that is an easier line of perception, and it leads to actions less difficult. So this is who I am, as I see it in the lenses of others.


I am the fishing town -
replete with odd tourists,
the sights of leftovers,
the leftovers of smells,
incredible odours of sound.

I am the wolf alone -
at your door I guard children,
the offspring of Adam,
first to know, last to leave,
undefeated and not your friend.

I am the burning torch -
smoke lacing my light with dark,
the dark banished in fits,
the fitness of the light,
unbearable being to some.

I am the death of hope -
coldly engaging darkness,
innocent night armoured,
a cavalier at large
setting a new hope free to soar.

I am the slave to all -
a quiet road not taken,
en prise a sacrifice,
holiness much tarnished
yet burnished in a flame and bright.

Who knows me? I myself
am not to know my essence;
a cloud of witnesses
describes me in its eyes -
but when all eyes are closed, what then?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the death of hope, yet setting hopes free to soar? Interesting.

You use the term a cloud of witnesses, was the biblical connotation intentional?

I remember saying something like this on the ACS forum about 'who am i?' I don't suppose we truly know who we are, for we are only as other people see us.

Thursday, November 02, 2006 9:17:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*lope lope *

Saturday, November 04, 2006 1:47:00 am  
Blogger xinhui said...

'I am the sum of my existence. I am my actions, my words, my thoughts, my beliefs. I am, in a sense, also a reflection of the external stimuli around me. What has happened to me is very much a part of who I am. I am also, to a certain degree my predisposition, or my personality. But more importantly, I am also the choices I make.'

10:38 p.m. - 2006-06-27 - noseonastick's diary

Wednesday, May 25, 2011 4:58:00 pm  

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