Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Saving The World vs Moulding The Future

The Santa Fe Institute vs MOE

One of the things that has always been irritating to me is the MOE motto found anywhere that some valuable land is being appropriated for 'educational expansion': "Ministry of Education - Moulding The Future Of Our Nation".

It just stinks of hubris. I mean, it would be so much more honest if it were to say "Helping to mould the future of Singapore", for example. Let's explore the logic, debate-style, assuming that the monolithic government makes consistent statements. Firstly: if our National Education is to be believed, "No one owes us a living." This reasonably means that there are forces beyond our control, which may or may not necessarily be deployed in our favour. Secondly: 'Moulding the Future of our Nation' implies that MOE is at present engaged in exerting forces that will shape the nation's future definitively - after all, that's what 'moulding' means. The absence of any implied disclaimers gives the impression that MOE alone (not the EDB, not Temasek Holdings etc) is doing the job.

Obviously, the two points aren't consistent. So our initial assumption is wrong somewhere and the Government is in some way inconsistent. The question is, which of the two (if either) is likely to be true? Probably the first. So MOE is as usual attempting to pull a fast one - and it's all over the hoardings they put up at every MOE building site!

Tharman, if you can hear me, please take away the awful hoarding blurb. I mean, now that there are two of our alumni looking after MOE, things ought to improve - or at least, become more reasonable.

Outside MOE is a 'sculpture', right behind the bus stop. It shows a hand and a humanoid figure. The hand is spread palm up (if it weren't, it'd be pretty deformed, the way it's bent). Closer inspection shows that it is a left hand. On it, the humanoid figure is about to walk off the base of the palm, in the direction of the wrist. This figure has the proportions of a child. Taken as a whole, the sculpture seems to say, "There is a sinister hand active in Singapore education. At the slightest provocation, it will shove your kids off the edge."

Some final thoughts. The link above is connected to the Santa Fe Institute's website. The Insititute has no small aim - its vision requires it to define and understand the frontiers of science, with the goal of solving long-term human problems which are amenable to scientific solutions. Through some of the biggest names in science and commerce, they have a fighting chance of actually helping significantly in moulding the future of the world.

I wonder if any of my students are thinking that far ahead.


Blogger Cow said...

Hi sirrrr! Oh well, its rather sad that those that actually want to change the sad state of things are never in any position to do so... Making a difference in the world? Perhaps... but you'll never know until you get into a position where you can... btw happy teachers' day =) and lovely entries u have here..

- Kaleni

Thursday, September 02, 2004 2:30:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I always loved that sculpture. I always see it walking by from Holland V to AC.

However, I see it as children bring raised to new heights through the hands of education.

~looks a bit put out~

For all you know, the child, like the Fool, could be taking steps in new directions, for with great risks come leaps of inspiration.

Monday, December 04, 2006 9:39:00 am  

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