Friday, January 14, 2011


The order of the world is corrupt, and all things come to an end. For things to get better, they must first get worse. Bond-breaking precedes bond-making. And so on.

Story-tellers know this, and so do chemists. Economists, psychologists, and witch-doctors of all kinds also know this. Yet we hope that it is not in our own time that the end of the existing order will come, for it is always painful.

If I had a RESET button for things, I would declare the Year of Jubilee and the forgiveness of debts. And the economic order would fall into chaos and there would be much suffering, and yet perhaps a better order would arise. But I am not the one who declared the Year of Jubilee on human sin and announced the forgiveness thereof.

And back at a certain scholastic institution, the RESET is poised to fall. I am sure there will be jubilation.



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