Sunday, December 06, 2009

The Gnome in Your Head

Urgh. I overslept this morning and found myself dreaming. (Apparently the only time I dream, or at least remember that I've dreamt, is when I've been ill or when I've slept too much.) In this literal daydream, I found myself explaining to a group of people just why our civil service was both good and bad. I remember summing it up as 'good structures, bad implementation; planning evolves but people degenerate.'

I woke up with tumultuous applause ringing in my years, only to realise that all my best rhetorical efforts had come to naught — in the time-honoured let-down, "It was only a dream." How sad!

But all that did underscore the importance that the Gnome has been having in my life recently. I can't help but wonder when he will pass on, and what dire or wondrous revelations will come forth when he does.



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