Thursday, August 27, 2009

Time Capsule

I've discovered that when my father reclaimed possession of my room, once I'd moved out, he also decided to leave everything on it more or less untouched. I used to be a fanatically tidy desk user; my desk was custom-made to my design and has lots of storage space. One long stretch was spacious enough for me to stretch out and sleep on, using my textbooks as a makeshift pillow.

So when I grew up and moved out, I cleared most of my desk and Dad took over. Over the last 15 years or so, he's accreted and accumulated many things. There are several strata rising from my old desk's surface.

This morning, I finally dug through to the original surface level. In my excavations, I began to realise that a lot of my stuff was still there. Old stamps, old souvenirs, old gaming equipment, my very first deck of cards (which I had to discard as it was all fallen to bits), class lists from the student batch of 1994, things like that. I spent far too much time looking at what I was supposed to clear away.

But it was a cathartic experience. I got to meet the man I used to be, and realised in some sort of strange meeting that no, there was no cause to mourn.

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