Thursday, March 12, 2009

Private Education Markets

The difference, we used to think, between Hong Kong and Singapore, was freedom of the markets. But Hong Kong ended up regulating some sectors more than Singapore. And now, Singapore wants to do this. Or rather, it is about to do this.

I think the main problem is that everyone in Singapore seems to want to make money more than anything else. Ranked 131 out of 178 for happiness, we're still going for the loot rather than the laughter. I've heard time and time again, "Don't be naïve, nobody thinks like that; bottom line is everyone wants to make some money, and you must be like that too."

If the whole state is a private market with invisible rules behind visible rules, what's freedom like?

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Blogger Augustin said...

well happiness brings to mind Bhutan and its pre-medieval way of life. *gasp* nobody wants to live like without iPod and Adidas and McDonalds and Starbucks and and and. I rather be unhappy! =P

Friday, March 13, 2009 1:01:00 am  

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