Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day 366

This is the day, last year, on which the Highest decreed that I should come out of where I was. It was an unsettling time; the Israelites out of Egypt, Abraham out of Ur, Odysseus out of Ithaca or Aeneas out of Troy must have felt it worse. In each case, the idea of staying with what one knows and has known, the idea of settling down for good — these ideas of familiarity and routine tend to keep one in the same place.

But there I was, uprooted. Fortunately, the Potter repotted the plant, and I am thriving in a far larger environment.

Yet, the Potter, the Highest, the Lord of Hosts, has many to do His bidding. He has supplied all my needs abundantly, and any shortfall in anything has been my doing and not His. This short post is to thank a few people who kept me sane, and to mention an uncountable horde who kept me alive and happy.

Besides my family, the most supportive and powerful agents of my regeneration — yes, bro, credo ut intelligam indeed! — I have to thank a bunch of fellow professionals:

Argonaut, wingman, then first employer and bridgehead into the world of self-sustainable work;
Historian, wingman, then second victim and valiant comrade in trenches and under heavy shelling and poison gas;
The Secret Society, ex-colleagues who were particularly active in countering the activities of the wild yak;
Boss Lady, who was always a great help and reassurance in professional matters;
Flower Lady, who sold flowers (just kidding) and made time to introduce contacts and find new eating places;
Guru Lady, who was always good for an academic chat and marvellously steady even when flooded with her own work;
Stoneface and the Old Gang, who were professional throughout and went out of their way to keep in touch;
The New Guardsmen, assorted and unnameable, who saved the sum of things for something less than a worthy fee.

I also have to mention a bunch of students, many of who must still remain anonymous:

Trivandrum, whose sorting algorithms were amusing and yet intelligent, for being absolutely marvellous in keeping the dream alive;
The One and the Other One, whose rather obsessed combined brainpower produced much thought;
The Debators, who provided endless encouragement just through their own odd journeys (especially the one who doesn't have green eyes);
Wolfberry, whose dialogues with me taught me as much as anything else I could have learnt;
The Librarian, for meticulous arguments, inspiration and assistance;
The Dancers, who somehow provided a bunch of uplifting experiences I could never have found elsewhere (like nasi lemak and funny trips);
Various animals from Serendip and other mysterious and legendary places (and the ninja ferret!), for showing that hope remains in the darkest of times (like a proof-of-concept);
The others who were my students and came visiting, both the 'geeks' (beware them bearing gifts, haha) and the 'non-geeks' (self-declared, in most cases);
The wolfpack and the hounds, who were always free with information and informative indeed;
The Second, Third and Fourth for continuing the great traditions of the First;
The First, for being the pinnacle of my short career in secondary education.

I also bow to the five corners of the earth and pay tribute to those who have gone before me in the particular journey that begins in the College of Wyverns and never seems to end as long as the best is yet to be. God save our land, and heaven bless. The faith was never lost except in that one dark corner of the legend.

In all things, I give thanks. I will always rejoice. My ambition has ever been to lead a quiet life and not be an encumbrance to anybody. Maybe it hasn't been so quiet, but it's getting there. I hope. *grin*

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