Monday, January 05, 2009


Over the last five years or so, a lot of people have come up to me and in one way or another asked, "So, how many blogs do you have?" The 'clever' answer is of course, "As many as I need."

But to be quite honest with those people who can't be bothered to actually take a look, I am the sole owner of very few real blogs. The one you're reading is the main one, while Bookbinding is my capsule book review blog which covers all the light fiction I've read (and some non-fiction). By now everyone ought to know about Two Ravens, my experiment in literary 'bloggery' which isn't really a blog; there's a sequel which is linked to it but incomplete because I realised that Two Ravens didn't need a sequel.

All these links are in the sidebar of this blog anyway. It doesn't take much effort to go take a look! However, some people do think I have written other stuff. And that is of course very true; you can find my now temporarily defunct Chemistry resources blog, Elemental, still out there somewhere. There's useful stuff in it, but I don't update it anymore.

There are also several poetry resources out there with one of my names on each of them. If you like poetry, go look around. My various digital incarnations go back to 1988 or so, but the older ones are very hard to track down.

Lastly, there are blogs shared with others; however, since they are professionals with busy lives and value their privacy, I'm not listing them here. A suspicious number of these are lawyers; it's good to have respected lawyers on your side, in this age of dubious information transfers.

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