Sunday, November 26, 2006

Interlude 2: Gaming

People play games all the time. There is a natural tendency to believe that every interaction between people is a game; some people are born players, or think they are, or think that players can be born. And, just as in the last entry of this kind, there are people who will take what is not a game and behave as if it were, with points being scored in terms of money, power, sex, property, combinations thereof, or combinations in spite of.

There are even people who will write books purporting that this is all true.

But not everything is a game. And yet, everything can be treated as one. It is a problem to those who have the itch, and a worse one to those who try not to itch. For the more perverse of minds will insist: "He who does not play games is himself playing one."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always nice to hear from you, sleepyboi!

The problem of course, is when people think EVERYTHING is a game, and then take all the games TOO SERIOUSLY.


Sunday, November 26, 2006 4:13:00 pm  

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