Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Easier Reading Than You Thought

The following feeds off an anonymous voice... it turns out that you'd have to be about 10 years old or so to have a decent chance of not understanding what I'm saying. Haha... Then again, some parts of the analysis peg it at around 16 years.


Readability report for

readability grades:
Kincaid: 6.5
ARI: 7.0
Coleman-Liau: 9.6
Flesch Index: 77.0
Fog Index: 9.6
Lix: 33.8 = below school year 5
SMOG-Grading: 9.2
sentence info:
15435 characters
3573 words, average length 4.32 characters = 1.34 syllables
222 sentences, average length 16.1 words
45% (100) short sentences (at most 11 words)
18% (41) long sentences (at least 26 words)
14 paragraphs, average length 15.9 sentences
6% (14) questions
43% (97) passive sentences
longest sent 70 wds at sent 99; shortest sent 1 wds at sent 14
word usage:
verb types:
to be (131) auxiliary (42)
types as % of total:
conjunctions 6(198) pronouns 10(365) prepositions 11(387)
nominalizations 1(29)
sentence beginnings:
pronoun (51) interrogative pronoun (9) article (21)
subordinating conjunction (7) conjunction (21) preposition (8)


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