Thursday, May 10, 2012

Knightly Virtues

Many years ago, at the Citadel of the Wyverns, Wolff (who was then Sir Wolff) spoke to the initiates on the knightly virtues. Many of those initiates had no idea what these were, although their dreams and ideals had crafted many versions, mostly incomplete and some rather strange.
Today Wolff looks back on what he said, and this is what he recalls.
The heraldry of the Citadel shows a shield upon which a unique beast flies. It has the head of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the body of a dragon — most often depicted with two legs, making it a sort of wyvern.
This beast is a mnemonic image for the virtues which the Citadel of old sought to imbue within the hearts of its knights.
The lion's head symbolises courage to do what is right, act justly, protect the innocent, and resist falsehood.
The eagle's wings symbolise excellence to do what is best, act rightly, aim for perfection, and resist mediocrity.
The dragon's body symbolises wisdom to do what is merciful, act generously, defend the weak, and resist ignorance.
In the book of the prophet Jeremiah it is written that the wise man should not boast of his wisdom, nor the strong man of his strength, nor the rich man of his riches — but they should understand that God prefers the exercise of kindness, justice and righteousness. This too is virtue, and not much different.

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