Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Curious Morality of Doomsday

The United States of America maintains forward bases all over the world. The list of such bases is extensive, a hand of many digits grasping the lands of all the world. The USA maintains these bases in the interests of its own national security, and as a distant secondary, the occasional security of its allies.

At bases like Diego Garcia, a US-occupied atoll which is actually part of the British Indian Ocean Territories, this hegemonic power maintains hundreds of cruise missiles capable of delivering extreme munitions (think 'weapons of mass destruction') to sites anywhere along the periphery of the inhabited rim of the Indian Ocean.

Why should that concern us? It should concern most of the world because the western edge of that rim is the east coast of Africa, the northern edge consists of the Middle East and the Indian sub-continent, and the eastern edge is south-east Asia. If you take the time to map out the locations of American bases where they shouldn't be, you will find that the US is the one nation able to visit doomsday upon any other state in the world.

These, ladies and gentlemen, are the hypocrites who are pointing fingers at relatively harmless (I say 'relatively', mind you) states such as Iran, North Korea, India and Pakistan for possible possession of nuclear weapons. It seems not to concern us that the world's policeman has the policy of 'we get to carry weapons and nobody else does', while at home a large proportion of their people says that everyone should have the right to bear arms.

They are also the most ostentatiously 'Christian' nation on earth, excepting the Holy See. I wouldn't mind if they were less ostentatious, because the nature of their ostentation is one that Jesus calls attention to: it is the ostentation of the white-washed tomb, the public announcement of charity, the display of holiness. And a lot of them would hate to be called Christian anyway, it seems.

In this age, it is more like the silk suit of the gangster or the gold chain of the pimp. Which is not to say that all Americans are bad; rather, they have created such a large and powerful rogue state that it is the default 'good' of this benighted world. It reminds me of what Sir John Harrington said a long time ago: "Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? Why, if it prosper, none dare call it treason."

America, if any state could be so, is the Babylon of the age, the kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar beholden to the power of evil. What it needs is the moderating influence of a Daniel, and more. The solution to an evil world is not to have a greater evil come along and blow it up while saying pretty things about democracy.

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