Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Wolff, Watching

Wolff has been watching events at the Citadel from afar. He heard the courier's news early, as has been mentioned elsewhere. Of course the Grand Inquisitor would be granted extra years; that man had never sold his soul all at once, but in increments. And this time, the price he had charged for his forced alliance with the Sisters was three years more, squatting upon the seat that the Dauntless Hero had left empty.

Wolff had turned to the life of an itinerant scholar. After the Hero, twenty-one others had held the chair of the Citadel before this one. Wolff had been forced to admit he was not the worst of them. But he was the least loyal, and perhaps about as worthy of trust as Kelso, or Pease, and not more.

Three years more. Wolff looked to windward and turned the wheel. He considered Phlebas, and grinned into the towering clouds.


Note: The fictional adventures of Sir Wolff do provide much that is of interest. You can find them linked here. Just ignore the one about earwax. That was an accident.



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