Saturday, March 06, 2010


A thing that enables is an enabler. Enabling is a key piece of jargon in the literature of today. But it means nothing, because you also have to say what it is that has been enabled. Or is it that if you have been enabled, you are relatively no longer disabled? Enabling must imply 'ability'.

It is like empowerment. To be empowered means that you have had power put in you. But what is this power? Is is general power? Power to do what? What kind of power? You have to be empowered to do something — then it is a power that has been given to you, and not just 'power'.

Ability, power — these words used to mean something. But as they became synonyms for stuff some people had and other people didn't have, they became weak things, statistics for some sort of role-playing game, chips in a casino.

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