Thursday, October 08, 2009


This is for two special sets of friends I have out there. The first kind worries that I have not enough work to do; the second worries that I am wasting my capacity. The two kinds sometimes overlap.

Actually, I'm pretty much submerged by work. It never ends.

Various agencies have asked me to help them out in various domains which I am reasonably qualified to help them out in. I also provide educational advice on a regular basis to many young people (and occasionally, their parents); that alone is about 12-20 hours of my time each week.

I thought I would have time to work on a pretty linear thesis. It turns out that it is a less linear, more complex entity altogether. It is driving me nuts. But it is unfolding with crazy Mandelbrot fractal precision. You think you have it, then it goes deeper, and then you realise that the deeper level is similar to the surface level, more or less.

Take for example the issue of competence or the idea of structure. Competence — in individuals, communities, institutions or bodies politic — is always measured the same way, even if the criteria differ. Structure — in schools or businesses, in the state or in the world — shows itself in the same ways and is perceived (or misperceived) the same way too.

When I come up for air, I will be like a whale from out of the vasty deep. I hope there will be no harpooners nearby.

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