Sunday, June 14, 2009


It's interesting, this new world we live in. It's not particularly brave, because bravura will get you dead more often than not. Rather, we have limits on everything while pretending we have limits on nothing. We think of air travel as essential (which it is), forgetting that it is sometimes the only reason for certain problems. Air travel, for one, is probably the largest source of radiation exposure (besides regular hospital diagnostic radiology) that most people receive in their lifetimes.

But the interesting thing is the 2009 strain of Influenza A-H1N1, tha odd hybrid of 25% human, 25% avian and 50% porcine strains. It has hit almost 40,000 victims so far; in fact, it has certainly surpassed that number even as I type this. China has produced a vaccine (which many say they won't risk taking, considering the reputation for chemical and biological contamination that China's products have gained in recent months), the West is trying to produce one too.

But one of the warlords of Atlantis has decreed that the alert status of the air-conditioned isle will never be raised again. When he said it, it was like God saying the world would not perish by flood again. Then too, the symbol of covenant was a spectrum of colours.

I wonder what will happen as the infection spreads. Will Atlantis stand firm in its belief that its sorcerous strength and walls of invisible defiance will repel the viral horde? Or will schools be closed even as June comes to an end? I'm sure that particular warlord will find some way to get his work done without raising alert levels. In Atlantis, any sign of weakness is tantamount to gross disrespect for the institution of the State and its governing powers.

I think that this whole idea of mockery being unacceptable is the sign of a terrible disease. If no one will mock the powerful, then when will the powerful learn that they are doing silly things? The idea in this neo-neo-Confucian state that the State of Atlantis now finds itself in by declaration and default is that the powerful are superior and should not be mocked lest confidence in them is reduced and the value of the State's assets plunges.

It is so pandemic that if you were to say, "I think the legal system here includes a few judges with cognitive problems," then you would be considered a mocker. In fact, it could be construed (whether true or not) as an attempt to diminish confidence in the State, and lower the value of its assets. This would in turn be considered traitorous, and you could be detained without trial for it.

Ah well, as someone said to me, "This whole thing arose because we weren't monitoring the swine carefully enough." Yes, this should be a lesson to us all. Wherever you suspect swinish influence, look out, be on your guard, keep watch. Don't let the swine get to you.

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