Sunday, December 07, 2008


Bad pun, for those who can spot it... very sorry! But tonight, I was eighteen years old again. The music was ABBA, Duran Duran, the really old stuff, and more. And four hours of dancing to stuff like 'Saturday Night Fever' and 'I Will Survive' and all the things that were new when I was young.

The funniest part must have been when they played 'It's Raining Men' by the Weathergirls. A bunch of us perfectly respectable men, not one of who was under the age of 41, and some of who were far older, jumped hyperkinetically onto the floor at the appropriate moments. The performances entertained everyone. It surprised me how fit some of us still were. Haha!

I am sure that various young dancers must be laughing their heads off by now at the idea. Oh well.

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