Friday, June 15, 2007


Today I was studying the taxonomy of cryptozoology. A few thoughts came to mind, and perhaps they are not sufficient for a proper post. So here are some stubs.

1. Equus: horses, zebras, donkeys, mules, quagga, unicorns, pegasi – at which point is a horse not a horse?

2. Canis: dogs (canis familiaris), wolves (canis lupus), coyotes, but not hyenas – why the distinctions, when all canines can interbreed without sterility?

3. What would the taxonomic elements and vocabulary of my environment be? Ah, this one I shall sequester.

4. Homo: homo educator would be the drawing-out man, just as homo habilis is tool-using man and homo ludens is game-playing man; they aren't necessarily homo sapiens (intelligent man), which seems like wishful thinking sometimes.

5. Apocalypse and eucalyptus are related. The former means 'unveiling' while the latter means 'well-veiled'.

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