Monday, May 07, 2007

Nameless Creatures

We are all God's creatures, if there is a singular Creator and if He is God. This is what I believe. I think that to impute to him properties such as 'stupidity', 'intolerance' or 'ineffability' somewhat misses the point. It's not that I believe we cannot judge a Creator or a God; I believe that to begin the judgement by saying, "If there is a God, He is like this because His internal logic must work thusly because my logic, universal and based on sound premises, says so," is not a sound start.

In fact, in absence of certain knowledge as to the premises of our universe and its bounds, we cannot make a judgement at the universal level. We can only make judgements at the local level, and the only thing that bridges the gap from this low level upwards is the quality of the numinous. But I've written about that before elsewhere.

What I really wanted to write about was to do with three nameless creatures who are my friends. I had breakfast with the first one today. He is tired, frustrated, but locked into the arena which is the life of work. I would have had tea with the second one, but he was irate, frustrated, and locked into a perpetual silliness inflicted on him by those with temporary authority. And I was at dinner with the third, who was bemoaning the fact that people refused to take upon themselves responsibility for learning anymore.

Why 'nameless'? Because they are like the famous dead who remain unnamed – soldiers, each one, known only to God for their deeds and their eventual reward. Because they are the men who keep the sky from falling and receive no credit for it, save that it is their calling, their job, their duty, and the whole of their faith. And I am honoured to serve with such who are nameless.

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