Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Someone once said that archaeology begins with the end; once you have found where something ended, you work your way back to the midden and that will tell you why and how it ended. And if not, you just keep digging. But not really – what archaeologists call 'digging' is actually a slow and careful process of scraping, sifting, and surveying.

To put it all in simple terms, if you want to know something of the truth, you need to know that something happened, and then be willing to spend inordinate amounts of time in digging up what is buried under the fact of that happening. I've learnt that it pays to persevere; even the driest of texts, the least inspiring-looking websites – they can all be grist to your mill.

It was in that spirit (I think) that an anonymous historical source left me this link. No words of explanation were attached. Fortunately, I persevered. It is a very exciting site indeed. Excavation brings great satisfaction. I commend it to you.

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