And some do. They grow up and try very hard to be gentlemen. Not that it always works, and sometimes the trying is painful to see. This too is a grievous misfortune.
Many tread the fine line in between. They get drunk and regret it; they are gentlemen without a cause; or they are not sure what they are, except that the old days were better than these.
Most will rationalise everything away. One thing outweighs another, one crime is small when buried beneath the rest of humanity's load. And who is to judge in the end? Certainly, not I.
Sigh. :(
I remember a certain gentleman telling me that if a boy tries too hard to be a gentleman, sometimes he isn't one in the end. That gentleman was the one who sent me the powerpoint presentation on what it is to be a gentleman.
Though I must say that I've met a number of gentlemen in ACS(i), so all is not lost. :)
haha alcohols juz have such a great effect on us....but some say that only when u r drunk, u reali spoke the truth....
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