Monday, March 27, 2006

Advice For Leaders

Guy Kawasaki: Ten Questions With Jackie Onassis is the kind of piece that has made this Apple evangelist a guru to be much respected. Here is the end-quote, a mordant epilogue which offers a powerful metacognitive perspective over the whole article:

"One of my recommendations for innovators is that they eat information like a bird eats food. (If you had the metabolic rate of a hummingbird, you would ingest approximately 155,000 calories per day.) This means reading voraciously—and not just HTML for Bozos and Encryption for Lovers—but books like these that are seemingly unrelated to 'business'."

Modern leaders have no choice. To be unaware of the universe around you, or insufficiently aware, can be fatal to the organisations they lead. Hence it is heartening whenever national leaders show insights into a well-stocked and hungry bookshelf.


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